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NOSF FAGKONFERANSE2024, Oslo, Rikshospitalet, 06.-07. juni

Styret i Norsk Smerteforening ønsker velkommen til den årlige
NOSF fagkonferansen i kunnskapsbasert smertebehandling i Oslo den 06.- 07. juni 2024.

Norsk smerteforening

Fortsatt mulig å melde seg på:


Aktuelt program

Virtual Pain Education Summit 2024

After the tremendous success of our EFIC Virtual Pain Education Summit in 2020 and 2021, we are delighted to announce the date for the online pain education event in 2024. If you are a healthcare professional looking to expand your knowledge in the field of pain management in a unique experience: Save the Date:

#EFICVirtualPainSummit 28-29 May 2024



IASP 2024 - Amsterdam 5.-9. August 

IASP 2024 World Congress on Pain går av stabelen i August i Amsterdam, Nederland

Mer informasjon finner du her: 

IASP 2024 World Congress on Pain - International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) (

Amsterdam 2024.JPG

SASP - Scandinavian Association for the Study of Pain 2024 Congress 

Scandinavian Association for the Study of Pain 2024 Congress

Pain throughout the lifetime - Helsinki, Finnland 22.-24.5.2024

SASP2024 registration now open!

SASP logo.png




Kommunikasjon og mestring ved langvarig smerte

17.-18. April 2023


Oslo - Rikshospitalet

15.-16. Juni 2023

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